Tuesday, June 28, 2011

update ,little bit of progress

on the batcave /milking shed front .
i now have a fully wired cave/shed.. lights on proper switches! sockets everywhere ! remote switches on ex extraction cooling fan and compressor !! .most exciting , now i just have to connect it all to the house,meter box and stand back and flick the switch..hopefully not to be met with a kaboom.
software wise ..
well ,sophie has achieved a lot ,with graph pages and menu's and everyfink ,very encouraging .apparently the csv 'coma seperated v' thing in c hash language actually realy means use a ; not a , so after that little trap was understood it went swimmingly .(i have probably got this totally wrong ,and im sure ill be set straight lol)

im hoping to do some actual dyno running next week ,and get used to it all again .
better start saving for an mbed doofah .:-)

HIGH EXCITEMENT ENSUES (plus a little trepedation .)

new pics on the fb page.
